As we get back into the routine of things around here,
I am remembering how crazy our schedules get this time of year.
Kids are back in school which means homework,
conferences, room mom planning, and sports 6 days a week.
That doesn't leave much time to get real creative with dinners.
However, I found this great blog
and it got me thinking.
I dusted off the old crock pot the other night and made this for dinner.
It was a huge hit and we enjoyed leftovers for lunch today.
I think I may just have to make crock pot meals every night the month of September!
This is another site I found with some

yummy looking recipes I'd like to try.
But tomorrow we are having

There is even some great dessert recipes you can make in a slow cooker,
as well as drinks, who would have thought?
Do you have any good crock pot recipes?
Happy labor day friends!
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