Well hello friends!
I'm back.
Computers and I do not get along sometimes, and this was one of those weeks.
Thanks for being so patient.
I go through withdrawals if I don't post everyday.
{I am now on a new medication for that, just kidding}
I get ancy and start doing things like coloring my own hair.....
then having to take a day off from what
I had planned, to go to the salon and get my hair fixed....
apparently purple/grey hair is not in style right now, who knew.
First, I thought I'd share a few of my new favorite photos via Suzie Beezie.
These photos make me want to crawl into my computer and jump right in.
{Oops, that must be the new medication talking, sorry.}
Those pillows are fabulous though, right?
If you write the blog
you win!!!
Send me a quick email and I will forward it along to the nice folks over at riveting art!
If you are a etsy seller who would like to do a giveaway on my blog, please feel free to email me!

I also want to take a minute to re~introduce you to my friend Margo.

Margo owns a cupcake company called Pinkabella Cupcakes.
You can read about them here.

desserts and is currently in first place!
She has 2 local stores, one in Redmond at Redmond Towne Center and one on the 3rd floor of Bellevue Square. If you are local, you have got to try one of her cupcakes, they are seriously to die for!
Cupcakes businesses are popping up right and left it seems like. You can believe me when I say I have tried many different cupcakes in my life and Margo's Pinkabells cupcakes by far are the best! Not only does she have the best flavors, but they also do a ton of donations and donate a large portion of their profits to children of the nations.
If you wouldn't mind taking a moment out of your busy day to vote for Pinkabella Cupcakes here, she would be so grateful.
Thank you so much and I will be back tomorrow!
See you then, xoxo
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