Sorry about my lack of posting.
I have been in bed for 3 days straight.
You see, I get migraines.
I also have a fab prescription that takes them away instantly.
Unfortunately the insurance co. would not refill my prescription until today, and today, it is gone.
So there you have it.
This was one of the worst.
Vomiting, cold sweats, couldn't open my eyes. Good times, good times.
My poor husband had to play mom and dad, but he did a great job.
When I finally made it out of bed this morning, the house was surprisingly clean!
I have a gazillion emails to check, pillows to put on etsy
{oh yes, soon I promise!}
bills to be paid, and grocery shopping to do.
I know, weird right?
I just have the urge to make some holiday pillows and stockings and I think a trip to the fabric store is just what the doctor ordered!
Christmas has been on my mind early this year.
I always promise my husband I won't start decorating until after Thanksgiving,

{thank you for your patience}
Laura from mom art
you are the winner!
Pls. email me and I will get you in touch with sosobella and you can pick out your prize!
I'll be back shortly with an etsy update, pinky promise!!
Pls. email me and I will get you in touch with sosobella and you can pick out your prize!
I'll be back shortly with an etsy update, pinky promise!!
{photos courtesy of Holly Mathis Interiors}
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