Here is what is going on in our neck of the woods!
Every now and then, Crystal Lake will freeze over enough for a little ice skating party.
Today was one of those days that we spent the entire day skating around and playing games of ice hockey.
{in fact the rest of my family is still out there, but I was frozen!}
There were kids, adults, dogs, and even the occasional cat out on the ice.

My sweet Cody.

Cody & his adorable little friend.
it's all about the clothes sometimes, isn't it?
I think we all need a little faux fur and bling on our ski outfits!

My husband dusted off his old hockey gear and felt right at home.

I brought over a huge container of left over cookies from the party last night and all the kids and teenagers were in heaven!
Someone else supplied hot cocoa for all of us.

Savannah got to use her new skates.

Savannah got to use her new skates.
exhausting and I am sure I will be hurting tomorrow!

My husband brought home from work a giant light so they all could have a game tonight without being in the dark.
So because of this I didn't get as much listed on etsy as I would like to have. But, hopefully tomorrow I can add a bit more.

My husband brought home from work a giant light so they all could have a game tonight without being in the dark.
It's so bright it lights up half the lake,
too funny!

So because of this I didn't get as much listed on etsy as I would like to have. But, hopefully tomorrow I can add a bit more.
I am also having to get ready for 10 kids coming over Monday for a gingerbread house party.......
somebody stop me!
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