I have had this picture in my inspiration file for quite some time now.
I love this necklace.
I started thinking that maybe it wouldn't be that hard to make.
So today, I made one.Here is mine.
Not exactly the same, but I will show you how I made it for $2.99!
Here are the materials you will need.
From left to right, top to bottom.
Chain. You can use one that you already have.
I picked mine up at a thrift store for $1.99 and cut off the charm.
Black paper for your silhouettes. I already had, so it was free.
Antique {or new} drapery rings.
My friend gave me some and I purchased some second hand for $1.00.
It looks best to have a variety of sizes and colors. You could spray paint them whatever color you like, if you find some second hand and don't like the color.
A circle cutter, I already had this.
If you don't have one, scissors work just fine.
Cream colored paper. You use this for the background of your silhouette.
I used cream, however, you can use white, or whatever you like.
Strong glue. I had E6000 on hand, but super glue, or anything similar would work.
Wire cutters. Use these to cut off the clips from the drapery rings.
And finally diamond glaze.
You can find this at any craft store for around $5.99.
I already had some from a bottle cap project Cody did.

First, cut 1 circle out of the cream paper and 1 circle out of the black paper.These should be the same size as your drapery ring.
{you can use a glue stick for this}
the cream paper to the top of the black paper.
{the black paper will be the back, so if you'd like you could use vintage sheet music, or patterned scrapbook paper}
{note: it is a good idea to use card stock for this, the thicker paper is easier to work with}
Print out your silhouette onto any regular paper.
{tips for making silhouettes can be found here} I shrunk mine down in a word document.
Cut out your silhouette and trace it onto black paper, then cut that out.
It helps to have small scissors for this.
Then use a glue stick to adhere that to the top of your circles, on the cream paper.
Use the wire cutters to cut off the clips that come on the drapery rings. Be sure to leave some of the wire as you will need this to hook onto you chain.
Next use your e6000 or super glue to adhere the drapery ring to the cream paper.
Let dry at least an hour.
Fill the centers of your rings with the diamond glaze.
This takes a while to dry.
I let mine dry about 8 hours, but overnight would be even better.
When it's all dry, attach the rings to your chain, and your done!
You could also do letters or numbers etc.I am picturing a necklace with 3 rings and initials.
{in my case}
for Valentines day.
Have fun!
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