Tomorrow my baby comes home.
I'm 99% sure I'm sleeping in her bed with her tomorrow....
I could actually live in it.
You'll see why
I am going to set my alarm early and try and finish before noon.
I just don't want to show it to you until it is all done!
So before all the touch up painting was done
I was hanging stuff on the walls.
I washed all her bedding in gallons of april fresh downy,
because I am obsessed with the smell.
My whole house smells like it right now.

I already had the frames.
The colors are perfect and add that extra sweet touch to the room!
If you remember, I used an antique carved wood frame
I purchased at an antique store.
I sprayed it white and added the chalkboard to the center
in the same brown as the walls.
It's the first thing she'll see as she walks
It's the first thing she'll see as she walks
down the hall to her room tomorrow!
I picked up this vase at Goodwill and framed
a greeting card in a TJ Maxx frame.
The pink roses were picked out especially for my
Savannah Rose.
On another note, I completely forgot to announce
the giveaway winner of the scentsy package!
So, if you are Jennemma of Barbour Quartet
please send me a quick email, you have won!
See you all tomorrow for the final reveal.
Cross your fingers she likes the room!
If not, I'm renting it out.
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