I'm calling it quits early today!
I have a friend in from San Fransisco and we have a dinner date!
Today I didn't get as much accomplished as yesterday,
but things are moving in the right direction.
I recently bought these antique frames.
One I found at an antique store and paid $40 for it,
and the other was a whopping $3 at a garage sale.
I got them out today and gave them the white treatment.
I am going to turn the giant one into a cork board
and the smaller one into a chalkboard.
I am going to have the chalkboard paint
I have been painting for 8 hours straight today.
The 20' tall ceilings are a pain in the you know what.
I told my son if mommy falls off the ladder and you talk to me and I don't answer, call 911.
Anyway, here you see coat 1.
The paint is called Canoe Brown and it's from Lowe's by Eddie Bauer.
And coat 3.
And coat 435......
It looks really great next to the crisp white.
I went through 2 gallons and ran out,
so I have to pick up another gallon of that also.
Anyway, that's the big exciting news of the day.
Tomorrow I will finish up the brown and paint the
lower portions of the wall will be painted white.
Until then.....
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