Here is a simple little project that is easy to do and super inexpensive.
We are having a BBQ at our home for the fourth
and I made these little markers for the food table.
You can also spell out things like :
for the dessert table etc.
If there are little people around you may
want to hot glue the letters down.

I also made this one for the shelf in my dining room.
I chose not to glue mine down because
I want to re-use the letters for different occasions.

Blayne Beachams favorite room contest!!!
I was so excited when I got the email from
her that I just about fell off my chair!
I have all of you to thank!
You all left the sweetest comments and are way to good to me!
I appreciate it so much and wanted you to know
what it means to me to have all you guys supporting me and my little old blog!
You truly are the best friends even t
hough I haven't met even half of you!
Have a happy and safe fourth!
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