Hello, my name is Melaine
{not Melanie as some of you would like to call me}
and I have a problem.
Every morning after the kids get on the bus, I make myself a latte and sit down to catch up on my favorite blogs.
So, what is the problem you ask?
Well, here is a good example.
See the photo below?
Well, it makes me want to turn my husband into a cowboy so we can get horses and live on a farm.

makes me realize I should
really start de-cluttering and get more organized,
simplify things, ya know?
You know our neighborhood does not allow them and I have wanted them for so long! I have always said you need to count your chickens because one day when you are away I am going
to come steal one or two!
You think I'm kidding?
after seeing how easy Brooke makes it look!

I am reminded that even though I now own a
good camera I still can't take pictures like this.

I also really need to stop my procrastinating and get on that craft room of mine! Not that mine would look half as good as this friends.

I am reminded that even though I now own a
good camera I still can't take pictures like this.

I also really need to stop my procrastinating and get on that craft room of mine! Not that mine would look half as good as this friends.
Ugh, there is not enough hours in the day!
Can anyone else relate, or is it horrible of me to keep wanting to change things up, hope, and dream for better things?

Don't get me wrong.
I am so grateful for what I have, I just see photos like these and want to snap my fingers and have them all!
Please tell me I am not alone!
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