I am trying to draw some inspiration for my daughters room.
She recently told me she doesn't want pink anymore...
There are little bits and pieces from each of these rooms that I would love to use. Ultimately it will be a collaborative project, as she does have quite the opinion!
I am loving grey for walls, might have to talk her into that one!

decorative mouldings on the walls.
Her walls are so tall that it would help to break it up.

Love this mirror!
Wonder if I could make one equally as nice?

Of course we will keep her chandelier, I just don't know if we will keep the one she has or get a new one.
I also love the idea of creating fabric

panels on her 4 poster bed, so cozy!
I think a bench at the end of her bed would be nice too.

A upholstered bed would be great, but her and I both really like the big bed she already has, so I'll probably just paint that.
{it's currently pink}
She has "requested" white bedding, which was just fine with me! I won't have to change a whole lot there!
Another photo of decorative moulding detail.
Who knows what we will come up with, but we make a great team when it comes to decorating even though she is only 11!

I told her for her 13Th birthday we would re-do her room.
However, she will be going away for a week to camp this summer and if I can pull it off, I'd like to surprise her with it when she comes home.
I guess we'll have to wait and see!
I've had these pictures saved for quite some time and don't remember where they all came from. If you know please feel free to leave a credit in the comment section!
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