thank you funky junk sisters
for this award! I am truly honored!
Now, here is what I am supposed to do!

The Rules:1. List 7 things that you love.
2. Link to the person who has tagged you
3. Choose 7 more bloggers to give the Kreativ Blogger Award to.
4. Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you chose them.
here goes:
seven things I love:(not in any order!)
1) my family
2) my friends
3) my doggy Hunter
4) garage sales
5) peonies
6) my home
7) great deals!
oh there are so many more! Only 7? I can't leave Starbucks out!!!
Ok so now to the friends I am giving awards to:
Lissa at Humble Pie
Kasey at Lola B's
Sara at Sadie Olive
Layla at the Lettered Cottage
Donna at Casa Rue
Jen at Windy Ridge
Tara at Blondie 'N' SC
These fine ladies not only have the best blogs around, but they are all so sweet! Check them out! And thanks again Funky Junk Sisters for the award! You made my day!
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