tr.v. re·pur·posed, re·pur·pos·ing, re·pur·pos·es
To use or convert for use in another format or product:
Vintage mouldings made into a mirror
another use for old doors and windows
a new way to use silverware
a old container has a new home in the bathroom
old ceiling tins made in to frames~love these~
Have any vintage containers laying around? This would be cool with old large cans too!
Old floorboards made into a clever wine rack
picture says it all!
fabric scraps and buttons laying around? Old sweaters, felt? Make a cute little owl or some other creature!
Love, love, love the springs on these bar stools. Love the re purposed wood on the island too!
A mish mash of items that have been re purposed
What have you re purposed lately? I'd love to see pictures!
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