~my new potting bench~

I was driving to pick my son up from a birthday party a couple weeks ago, and out of the corner of my eye,
a FREE sign caught my attention. Can you hear my tires squealing?
Check out this bad boy, all 8 feet of it......

Gorgeous right? Super old, super sturdy, and heavy as heck.

I brought it home my husband reluctantly drove over to the strangers house to pick up yet another free thing I had to have. He was super happy it was really light. Wink-wink.

Fast forward a week later and I am out at it again. This time a garage sale that was advertised as vintage treasures. Here is what I hauled home, and yes, this one fit in my car.

I knew when I saw it that it would make a great match for my free bench.
They make a great pair don't they?

So yesterday, I fixed it all up and outfitted it with all my gardening supplies.
And now presenting, way more photos than you probably care to see.

I am so excited to have a place to keep all my gardening stuff together finally! And the whole setup was under $35.00 Can't beat that!



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