~Happy Mothers Day!~

 When I was little and someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, 
"a mom"
That was always my answer, it never changed.
 These two are the best things that ever happened to me.

They aren't perfect.
They fight.
They leave their rooms messy.
They stay up too late.
They eat too much junk food.
they "forget" to do their chores.
But, I wouldn't change my life for anything.
 These are just a few photos from years past that I love.
{extra friend below, 5 years later, they are still on the same team!}

I love coaching soccer and running them to and from sports events and after school activities.
I love our weekly runs to TCBY and are almost daily dates to Starbucks.
Taking my teenage daughter to the mall and having her want to shop with me!
Playing basketball late into the evening with Cody.
Summer camping trips.
Bike rides and running along side Cody while he is on his razor scooter. 
Snuggling with Savannah and watching Lifetime movies.
Baking cookies together.
Laughing, there is always a lot of laughter in this house :)
Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there!
I hope you celebrate, not only today, but everyday!


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