Go check out what my friend Kasey is up to here.
So sweet.

I think it's so important to think of others, and there is no better time to do it than this time of year. Think of all the people that won't have presents under their tree.
Or have a tree at all.
You don't have to do anything big.
Sometimes it's just a simple smile or wave that can make someones day.
I'm trying to teach my kids to give to those less fortunate.
We have a family in our neighborhood who has 4 children and not a lot of money.
I give their little boys rides home from the bus everyday after school and last week I was asking them about what they want for Christmas.
They didn't tell me what they want.
Instead they told me that for Christmas they will all get a new pair of shoes and a hat.
It broke my heart.
So this year, the kids and I went shopping for them and got them both 3 new warm outfits.
Nothing fancy, but warm.
We don't have a ton of money ourselves but it felt good to give a little something to someone less fortunate.
I'd love to hear any random acts of kindness you have done, or received.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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