I came across this designer on rate my space today.
Look at this room.
Just look at it.
I am now on a mission to enlarge family photos this big.
And find a vase just like that one.
The colors in this room are so soothing,
like a breath of fresh air.
I also love the vintage pail with the lilacs.
Back to the dining room.
Every detail is perfect, down to the bead board ceiling.
It's a little more modern than I usually like,
but I am really drawn to it.
It's very clean and minimal with lots of light.

I love the blackboard in this kitchen
the lemon branches in the little jar.

The color palette in this room is fabulous.
I love the tree, the lamp, and the paintings.
Heck, I love it all!
Check out the numbered baskets in the pantry!
A great place for breakfast and a newspaper.

Hope you are all having a great week.
I am super tired after a long weekend of camping, but I will be back soon,
I promise!
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