I woke up yesterday, and like any other Friday, got myself ready to go out to garage sales! I love this Friday morning ritual. My son has Friday's off school, so he is always in tow. We went to one or two good ones and then we hit the mother load! I pulled up to this house where there was vintage goodies galore! I immediately called my friend Kim (well, not immediately, but after I had stashed all the good stuff) ha-ha, and she met me down there. I came home with tons of glass wear,, and old amo tins from ww2, old floral oil paintings on canvas', old glass insulators, a vintage coke crate, a cool old ornate sconce, old jelly jars, and tons of mason jars! The best part, everything was dirt cheap! It was so good in fact I think I am going back there this morning!
After that Kim came over and took some pictures of my home for me.

She is such a great photographer!
So, enjoy the pictures, I am off to go see what I missed yesterday!
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