I get a lot of questions on how I did my "family wall" I answered someones email about it, and thought I'd copy that email here so you can all see how to! here it is step by step!
1) Paint your wall chocolate brown, let dry a day or so. I used canoe brown by Eddie Bauer at Lowes, but any dark brown would do
2) type up what you want your wall to say. If you like the family one I did, go to www.wonderfulgraffiti.com and copy there saying. I used the definition out of the dictionary but tweaked it a bit. Type it up so it all fits on one sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" paper
3) Measure your wall it is going on
4) figure out how much you need to enlarge it at kinkos to fit your wall. They can help you with this, or you can use your calculator. if you need it twice as big, enlarge it 200% and so on. I believe mine was something like 800% bigger.
5) Use the oversized copier at kinkos (they can help you) to enlarge it to your size. it's about $10.00 per sheet
6) Tape transfer paper to your wall. You can get this at craft stores. it's about $4.00 a package and you will need several. I cut out this step by literally "scribbling" with pencil all over the back side of my enlarged copy. It does the same thing and saves you the money on the carbon transfer paper. Kids like to help with this part!
7) Tape your enlarged copy on your wall. make sure it is straight by using a level
8) Once you have it where you want it, use a ballpoint pen to "trace" around each letter, until done. This is the hard part, your hand will hurt! Put enough pressure on so that the pencil will come off on the wall under it.
9) Then just use craft paint to fill in the letters. It doesn't have to be perfect, mine isn't. I used a light brown and a creamy color I think. You can use any color you like that matches your house.
10) and that's it! Good luck!
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